Typical hosting charges and features:

	Server setup fee (first year only):	$  50.
	Hosting fee (@ $22.50/month)		$ 270.


	Server hosting provides up to 150MB disk space 
	and monthly bandwidth up to 5GB,
	and includes support for advanced web features such as 
	Macromedia Flash (with vector animation graphics, text, images)
	and real-time audio (TrueSpeech and HTTP streaming).
	Also includeed are free email aliasing and forwarding, 
	20 POP mailboxes, exploders, autoresponders, ASMTP accounts, 
	and FTP access.

	There is no increase in monthly hosting charges use of the above
	features (within stated limits), but a modest, one-time setup 
	fees may apply for autoresponders and for anonymous FTP. 
	Technical support is provided at no charge; 
	however, programming, customization work, consulting, 
	maintenance and non-routine maintenance services are optional.

	For eCommerce enhancements, such as Shopping-Cart software, 
	merchant accounts (for credit-card processing), and server-side 
	CGI programming, additional hosting and setup charges would apply.

	Further information is available upon request.